Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jesus Calls Witnesses - Day 14

Jesus has died. Jesus has been resurrected. He is soon to go. But before he leaves the disciples he gives them some instructions about how he wants them to live and what he wants them to do.
He says, “… you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1: 8)
Jesus paints a series of concentric circles here, starting small and then emanating out to encompass the whole world. He wants witnesses, those who will testify on his behalf, those who will share the good news of his love and mercy, those who will proclaim that God’s power in and through him is mighty to save and forgive and empower. He doesn’t want them to keep this good news to themselves. He wants them to share it through their words and deeds and lives.
Nothing has changed since that day. Jesus still wants witnesses. He wants us to go to our Jerusalems and Judeas and Samarias and to whatever ends of the earth that we live or travel to share good news.
Do we? Do we witness to him ever? If so, thank God. If not, why? What are we afraid of, concerned about? Why are so many of us shut down? We have the best news that there is, how can we not share it?
Being a Christian is not just about what we believe; it is also about what we do. We call Jesus “Lord,” but is he? Do we allow him to command us? Do we follow his directives? Imagine a coach sending in a play to a team in the huddle and the team deciding that they didn’t like the play. What would happen to the team? What would happen to the game?
If you call yourself a Christian, then you are, in effect, calling Jesus your Coach and Lord and Savior and Boss. Jesus says, “Witness.” What are you waiting for? There are people in your life who need the word of hope and love that you can share. So, just do it. With love and tenderness, of course; but also with strength and conviction, always.

1 comment:

  1. yes ! Put it at the top of my To-Do list for tomorrow.

    I just learned that one of our ExxonMobil business presidents is sponsoring a day of prayer with a 24-hour conference call for ExxonMobil employees in October. Sounds like an opportunity to "witness". I hear that this guy witnesses to our CEO, Rex Tillerson. This is powerful.

