Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jesus Didn't Hog the Work - Day 23

The disciples have been following Jesus for many months now. They have been looking over his shoulder at all that he does. He keeps on telling them to watch very closely. They see the impact that he is having on others. Watching him, being with him, seeing the crowds, witnessing the healings, listening to the teachings—all of this has been the most powerful thing that they have ever been part of.
And then one day Jesus “called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.” (Mark 6:7) In other words, Jesus shared the work. He didn’t hog it. He called his disciples for many things, including his desire to train them to do the work that he was doing. It wasn’t enough that he was doing it. He also wanted them to do it.
Imagine that moment when Jesus turned to them and said, “Now, it is your turn. Go heal. Go exorcize. Go do mighty and glorious things.” Did they panic? Did they demur? Did they want to run away? Did they whine that Jesus was asking too much? I can see them doing all of these things and then some.
I can imagine this because, well, I identify with the disciples. It is easier to watch Jesus do things than to do things yourself. Easier to hear about what Jesus once did than it is to hear and to heed his call to act now in his name. Whine. Duck. Make excuses. Proclaim we need more time or training or faith or resources. Refuse. Run away.
But Jesus wouldn’t let them off the hook. He didn’t then. He doesn’t now.
He is depending upon us to be his Body in the world. He needs us and our faith to do his work. He doesn’t want us to watch him forever. Being a disciple is not a spectator sport. It is a contact sport. So, get out of the stands, off the sidelines and do something. Yes, you. Yes, us. Jesus didn’t hog the work because he needs us on the mission field. He didn’t hog the work because he wanted to share the joy of actually doing work with him. So, don’t cheat yourself. Get after it.

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