Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jesus Called Ordinary People - Day 8

“As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” (Mark 1:16-17)
Peter and Andrew, John and James (they were also on the beach that same day and Jesus also called them to follow and to fish) were ordinary guys. They had no degrees. They had not done—as far as we know—any extraordinary things. There was—again, as far as we know—nothing special about them. They were in a word: ordinary.
As we follow Jesus and his companions in the gospel stories we find out just how unremarkable they were. Mark in his gospel seems to go out of his way to point out how foolish and fickle and weak and vain and silly they all were.
I am guessing that Mark was telling us the truth about the disciples, but I am also going to guess that he was trying to make a point to all disciples of future generations. If Jesus could choose them, then he can also choose you. If they were able to change the world—and change the world they did—then Jesus can use you to do great and wonderful things.
In and of themselves, Peter, Andrew, James, and John were ordinary. But as soon as they began to follow Jesus they began to become more-than-ordinary. In and of ourselves we are flawed and fallen and mixed-up and convoluted and, well, just human. But in following Jesus we are changed by Jesus. And in being changed by Jesus, he then wants us to be his fisherpersons for others. Jesus is clear: once caught, go catch.
I sometimes hear people say that they aren’t good enough to be with Jesus or to work with Jesus or to do anything for Jesus. That just isn’t the truth. Jesus once called ordinary people to do extraordinary things. His call has never stopped. He wants to catch us and call us and send us in order that all people will be part of God’s great catch. The first four disciples may have seemed ordinary to the world. But to God they were his precious children. Just like we are. Just like all people are.

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